Golf tip of the week: Improving your putting (right hand terminology)

Welcome to our new golf tips feature, sponsored by Twin Lakes Country Club.

This week’s tip is offered by Chad Cantwell, pro at Twin Lakes Country Club, two-time Kenosha County Open champion and holder of  the all-time low scoring average record at University of Wisconsin-Parkside:

Twin Lakes Country Club photo/ Used with permission

Tired of missing those 3 and 4 footers for par? Tired of 3 – putting? Next time you have a chance to practice your putting, try hitting those 3 footers with your eyes on the hole instead of the ball! Try rolling a couple 30 footers the same way. Your hands will swing the putter in the direction of the target and with your eyes focused on the hole, you will begin to trust your stroke and feel how heavy your putter is in your hands. Speed determines the line so focus on swinging the putter with your dominant hand (right hand) and you’ll be making more putts than ever before!

Twin Lakes Country Club is located at 1230 Legion Drive, Twin Lakes, (262) 877-2500.

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