If you’re waiting to get an inside look at the new Salem Highway Department/Trevor Fire Station building — on target to be occupied in November — you likely will have to wait until next spring.
The Salem Town Board decided Monday to wait until next year to have a formal open house event, rather than this fall possibly before the building was being used.
Chairman Linda Valentine had raised a possible date in October or November for the open house. But other board members preferred waiting until the building was populated with its workers and equipment and everyone was familiar with their new surroundings.
“However you want to do it … we’ll make it happen,” said Mike Murdock, Highway Department superintendent.
In other news related to the building, the project is running ahead of schedule, reported town administrator Patrick Casey.
The main factor that could delay occupancy of the building is the status of the property’s well.
“The building will be ready to go in November,” Casey said. “The water, we don’t know yet.”
The well had a set back earlier this year when a bridging of the well walls was discovered. Work restarted and continues.
The board will likely have a special meeting within the next two weeks to consider bids related to the well and the well house, Casey said.