The cost of replacing already leaking gas tanks at a village facility is leading the village to consider buying gas for its vehicles from a local retailer instead.
Trustee Thomas Connolly raised the issue — which has been discussed before — at Monday’s Village Board Committee of the Whole meeting.
Connolly said the village’s facilities will be expensive to replace. Village administrator David Cox elaborated that the cost of replacing the tanks and a modern leak detection system would approach what the village might be able to negotiate with a retailer.
If the village stopped using its own pumps, it would likely establish a credit card account to be used by authorized employees to fill village vehicles. The village has some diesal vehicles so that will be a factor in deciding which retailer to work with.
One issue might be how fuel could be accessed after normal business hours if needed. Connolly suggested having someone on call from the station might do the trick.
Connolly asked village staff to look into arrangements with local gas stations and report back to the board at a future meeting.