Silver Lake may try to purchase property along river for park

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The Silver Lake Village Board is considering using impact fees collected from new construction to fund purchase of property for a new park along the Fox River.

Building inspector Royce Kennedy explained that the village has been collecting park impact fees on new construction since 2004. The total fee is $750, of whch $600 goes to maintenance of parks and $150 to land acquisition.

There is some urgency on what to do with the money collected for land because it must be used within seven years, which would be 2011. If not used, it must be returned to those who paid it, which would actually cost the village money, Kennedy said.

Kennedy suggested acquiring additional property on “the point” along South Riverside Drive, which he said might make a nice local park. The village already owns some property in that area, as does the county.

“This is one way we can use this money,’ Kennedy said.

Kennedy’s suggestion found some support amongst board members as well.

Trustee Sue Gerber said she thought it would be a good spot for a park that would provide a public fishing area that would not require children to cross a busy road.

‘They could go right down South Riverside Drive,” Gerber said. “I think this would make a nice fishing spot.”

The board is expected to further consider the possibility at a future meeting.


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