A recent exchange of letters with Paddock Lake has Central High School administration optimistic that all outstanding issues regarding the new athletic facilities project may be resolved soon.
District administrator Scott Pierce gave a report to the School Board at a meeting Tuesday night that summarized a recent exchange of letters with the village:
- The village has opened the door for the school to seek approval of use of the new tennis courts when they are completed, even if the whole project is not done.
- The village has suggested it would agree to a three-year extension for the completion of a restroom facility near the tennis courts. The school has downsized its plans for the building — eliminating a concession and storage area — to facilitate its completion. Pierce said the smaller building might cost about $100,000. Several board members said they would be in favor of trying to find the money to complete the building now, if possible.
- The village is willing to allow the school time to seek government grant funding for a 10-foot wide multi-use path that the village is requiring be built along the west side of the school’s property along Highway 83. The school has a rough estimate for the cost of the path to be $300,000. “Ultimately, if we could get some funds, it would be better than trying to pay for it ourselves,” Pierce said.
- The village also seems to be willing to bend on its previous required date for substantial completion of the entire project (Aug. 15). Pierce said the projected completion date of the Highway 83 entrance/exit is the main driver. Estimates are that portion of the project will not be done until September at best, due to delays in permitting for a Salem sidewalk project the school’s project must align with. Village building inspector Tim Popanda suggested a substantial completion date of sometime in November, Pierce said. Other than the Highway 83 access and a new entrance/exit on Highway 50, other aspects of the project could be done by mid July, Pierce said.
Pierce acknowledged that the letters did not represent formal approval by the village’s Plan Commission or Village Board but just an exchange of information between staffs.