The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department is reminding residents that beginning June 1, Wisconsin’s mandatory insurance law goes into effect. As of that date, drivers must be able to provide proof of insurance if stopped by law enforcement officers.
Act 28 requires anyone who owns or operates a motor vehicle on the roadways within this state to have a liability policy in effect for the vehicle being operated. The new law is spelled out under Wisconsin State Statute §344.62 and was passed by the legislature in 2009,
What this means to you in simple terms, is that you must have car liability insurance, if you drive any motor vehicle on any roadway in Wisconsin. You must also be able to produce proof of that insurance if stopped by a law enforcement officer. Most people have seen these “proof of Insurance†cards attached to their auto insurance renewals. Now would be a good time to find those cards and make sure they are with you or in your vehicle. Many people like to attach them to their yearly vehicle registration renewals.
Kenosha County deputy sheriff’s will be asking drivers for proof of insurance at any traffic stop beginning June 1, said Sgt. Gil Benn, department public information officer. This is a secondary enforcement issue. Deputies will not be stopping vehicles based solely on whether there is proof of insurance. A citation for this type of violation comes with a $200.50 bond.
There are many other specifics and exemptions to this new law. The entire statute can be viewed here on page 557.