This is just a test: Fireworks over Paddock Lake tonight

Photo by aconant via

If you see flashes in the sky over Paddock Lake tonight it probably is not an alien landing or an attack.

Instead, there will be some testing of fireworks taking place, village President Marlene Goodson explained Wednesday night.

The Westosha Kiwanis Club is contemplating sponsoring fireworks on the Fourth of July in commemoration of the village’s 50th anniversary. The test will be to determine if fireworks based at the North Beach on 64th Place will be easily visible at Village Hall on 236th Avenue, where the anniversary celebration will be centered.

“They’re going to set off some samples to see how much we can see over here,” Goodson said at Wednesday’s Village Board meeting.

There still will be the regular Fourth of July fireworks display on July 3, also sponsored by Westosha Kiwanis , Goodson said. The anniversary fireworks, if deemed feasible,  would be the next night as a one-time only event.


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