Lightning 10U takes Beloit Early Bird tournament crown

Pictured are: (front row) Coach Lori Schuttenhelm, Montana Platts, Sydney Grossi, Katie Holmstrom, Jaina Westphal, (back row) Coach Lance Platts, Olivia Klean, Kira Allen, Siera Sieberth, Becca Bell, Myranda Schuttenhelm, Sarah Hutchinson, Katrina Bostanche and Head Coach Alex Grossi. /Submitted photo

Wisconsin Lightning 10U Black went 6-0 and won the Beloit Early Bird Tournament May 14 to 16.  They started with a win Friday night against SYA Fury, then Saturday took two more wins over Bordertown Bandits and Stateline Starz.  The weekend concluded with three wins on Sunday to Lakeland Ledgends, Darien Fusion and Bordertown Bandits for the championship.


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