Salem Booster Club to celebrate first anniversary with BoosterPalooza this Friday

The Salem Booster Club is hosting a first anniversary celebration — dubbed BoosterPalooza.

The event will be held Friday at Salem School from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

There will be food and drink, and a screening of the movie “Tooth Fairy” in the LGI for the kids so parents can be focused on the agenda:

AT  the event, Salem Booster Club officials will be presenting a year in review, accompanied by video music sideshows from all of the club’s events over the past year.

Friday’s agenda is as follows:

  • Introduction and volunteer appreciation.
  • Year-end treasurers report.
  • Survey results (What’s in store for next year!).
  • Volunteer positions and guidelines.
  • Board elections and announcements.
  • Upcoming events and year close out.
  • Open question and answer session.

The club was formed last year by volunteers after funding for sports and other extracurriculars at Salem School was cut due to budget constraints in the wake of four failed tax levy referendums. It funds and provides adult leadership for all sports and extracurriculars at the school.


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