Paris officials to meet on drag strip concerns

Photo by kahle via

Paris officials are getting closer to addressing neighbors’ concerns about operations at the Great Lakes Dragaway.

Town Attorney John Knuteson said he and an attorney representing Great Lakes Dragaway have met and the town laid out the areas of concern voiced by residents living near the track, including:

  • Hours of operation.
  • Noise.
  • Lights.
  • Speeding on nearby roads.
  • Camping.
  • Designating quiet weekends.

“I think we’ve made progress,” Knuteson said. “It’s a slow process, but we’ve made progress.”

The next step is for the Town Board to meet to discuss options and priorities. That would likely be a special meeting devoted only to that topic and be an 0pen session, said Town Chairman Virgil Gentz. No date has been set yet.

The town’s goal is to come up with an agreement with track ownership that would not require the town to pass an ordinance. An ordinance could prove difficult to enforce, town officials say.

“Hopefully, it comes to a plausible ending where we can all work together,” Gentz said.


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