County to host medicine collection day

Photo by foxumon via stock.xchng

Kenosha County will be holding its next Medicine Collection Day on Saturday, May 8. The collection, which is the second one to be held in the county, is an effort to prevent prescription drug abuse and accidental poisonings in Kenosha County as well as help protect local waterways.

Prescription drugs can be a gateway for more serious drug use and many young people turn to pills as a way to get high because they think prescription drugs are safe since they are Two sites have been designated for the collection:

The collection will take place Saturday, May 8, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at two locations:

  • Kenosha County Center — 19600 75th St. Bristol.
  • Kenosha County Job Center – Entrance D, 8600 Sheridan Road, Kenosha.

Residents are encouraged to bring their unwanted and unused medications to any of the collection sites. Prescription medications, over the counter medications, ointments, sprays, inhalers, creams, vials, herbals, and pet medication will all be accepted by pharmacists on the day of the event. Residents are asked not to bring any biohazardous material, household hazardous waste, illegal drugs, or needles/sharps. Please keep medication in the original package or bottle but cross off any personal information.

The program is free-of-charge, confidential, and requires no pre-registration. Best of all, residents will not need to leave the comfort of their cars to turn in items for disposal. There will be law enforcement present to assure the safe collection and destruction of all medication.

For more information on the Kenosha County Medicine Collection Event, please visit or call (262) 605-6700.


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