Last year boasted the first Post Prom Party (P3) ever for Central High School students. Some 44 students came out and nearly everyone left a winner. The community donated tons of gift cards, electronics and cash so there were plenty of prizes to go around. The Bank of Kenosha donated an ipod. Sabrina Wolfe walked away with a Wii! She said that she already had one, but looked forward to selling it.
This year the grand prize is an Xbox 360 Elite. The event will take place after prom on April 24 from 11 p.m. until 4 the Kenosha YMCA. Want to do some rock climbing, swimming, basketball, dodge ball or watch a movie? If you don’t want to do any of those things, how about enjoying some food from the Bristol 45 Diner or Luisa’s? Maybe you want to be entertained by the music and antics of M & R entertainment!
Tickets will be sold by CHS’s SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) chapter. You can pick them up at the same time you pick up your prom tickets. Tickets are only $5 each or two for $8. Your ticket to the party is also your raffle ticket to win any one of the great prizes. Look for the big banner at Central promoting the event or ask one of the students wearing the (P3) t-shirts. You can come to this party even if you do not go to prom, as long as you are eligible to attend prom by school guidelines.
If you are a parent and are wondering what this party is all about here is a little info. P3 is an event for students who are looking for something to do after prom that is fun and free of worry. The event is sponsored by Kenosha’s Youth for Christ and endorsed by Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth. There is no religious message at this event.
“The goals of this event are absolutely clear: To give students an alcohol and drug free zone in which to continue their prom fun and to give their parents peace of mind,†Beth said.
Not only is this event endorsed by the sheriff, but off duty deputies have volunteered to help chaperone.
To get more information contact Sgt. Bill Beth at the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department, 605-5490 or