Randall to continue boat launch attendants

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View of the Department of Natural Resources launch off Highway F.

The Randall Town Board agreed Thursday night to continue its program of having boat launch attendants educate the public about clean boats and monitor launch fee payment.

Last year, the town collected about $18,000 in launch fees at the Department of Natural Resources launch off Highway P and the Bayview Park launch, said Chairman Bob Stoll. Pay for the attendants was about $8,000.

“It’s nice,” Stoll said. “We’ve had a positive cash flow from this.”

The increase in launch fee revenue is easy to see from recent years since the attendants were employed.  Harder to quantify is the benefit of the work the attendants do educate boaters about cleaning off their trailers and boats to stop the spread of invasive speicies. Nevertheless, that aspect had the support of the board too as a reason for keeping the attendants program going.

“I think it’s been a good program,” Stoll said of the clean boats effort. “… it’s hard to assign dollar values.”

Town Clerk/Treasurer Phyllis Kaskin was directed to contact the already trained attendants used last year to see if they would like to work this summer as well. If the town needs to fill additional positions, then the town may advertise the openings.


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