The Salem Town Board moved forward with the purchase of a new squad truck for the fire department a little earlier than originally expected, but resulting in anticipated savings.
The squad truck will replace two equipment vans and a light rescue extrication truck the department now uses. Those vehicles will be sold. A third equipment van will have its functions replaced by the new truck, but it will be re-purposed for water rescue and responding outside of the town in support of other departments.
The squad truck would be a versatile piece of apparatus carrying a wide variety of equipment that would respond thoughout the town, said fire Chief Mike Slover. Bristol, Silver Lake, Twin Lakes and Antioch all have similar trucks.
The town budgeted $300,000 this year and $300,000 for next year for the truck. The new truck is estimated to cost $586, 251.
Slover said buying now with a 2009 engine will save considerable money because 2010 engines and beyond will need more expensive emissions control equipment. That alone could cost $15,000 to $23,000 more.
Tuesday’s action authorized the purchasing of the 2009 engine, which had been being held by a dealer for Salem, for no more than $10,000. Then the department will have 180 days to design the vehicle and sign a contract before assembly begins. Construction of the vehicle could take another 240 days.
The current trucks will not be sold until the new truck is delivered. They then would be sold with the proceeds used for equipment. The three vehicles could bring as much as $130,000, department officials estimated.
what a BAD idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go spend some more money we dont have on a piece of equipment we DONT need!!!YAY for the town board!!!
Not all heavy duty diesel engines and trucks are built the same. For example, detroit diesel engines have great power and sound great, but are known to be knuckle busters when it comes time to change belts and hoses, and some say they “eat” costly fuel injectors. Not all frames are built equally as strong, some steering, suspension, wheels, heating & cooling systems, and so forth are better than others too. In this tight economy, I’m wonder since Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. of Appelton was bought out by Oshgosh Truck and supplies 40% of all fire apperatus available in the Midwest, what are the other 60% of manufacturers willing to provide in terms of reliability, lowest maintenance cost, best fuel economy and best overall long-term value?
Its like comparing bread. Some have whole grain fiber, but wheat can cause bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. So what is better a Detroit or a Cummins? Dodge, Chevy or Ford? …
Hey you to the first post.
Why dont you shut up and support your local Fire Department.
There risking there lives ever day for your safty.
Say you get in a car crash and they dont have the best Squad truck to save your a**. How would you feel then.