Salem town Chairman Linda Valentine is encouraging interested town residents to apply for positions that will be expiring on various town commissions.
At least one position is set for appointment soon on:
- The Planning and Zoning Commission.
- The Board of Review.
- The Parks Commission.
- Representative to the Community Library Board.
Valentine said she is requesting that even the current occupants, if they wish to stay in their current slot, apply.
“I am not of the mind that we should just continue an appointment without some step to reconsider based on new candidate(s),” Valentine said in an email message to “I think it is important that every person looking for consideration be given a fair chance at the spot. The incumbent has the experience (and can include that in their summary) of attending the meetings but may not actually have the experience of developing or becoming knowledgeable about what they are voting upon.”
Guidelines for the available positions are available for viewing here.