Trevor outdoor ed unit likely to be in winter again next year

Trevor School sixth graders likely will do their outdoor education unit in winter again next year, after a successful experiment this year.

Students at the school had been going to Camp Timber-lee for an outdoor education unit in past years in the fall. But sixth grade teachers this year decided to try a winter trip, middle school teacher Trinie Laplander told the School Board Tuesday night.

Students and chaperones went right after winter break and had a favorable experience, Laplander said.

“We want to go back in the winter again next year,” Laplander said.

Winter offered a few new educational experiences, including a more intense pond study unit that included having to drill through the ice and a more urgent seeming survival unit brought about by cold weather, Laplander said.

One modification that likely would be made would be to go a little later. Taking the two-day trip right after spring break created some logistical challenges.


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