Bristol supervisor seeks change in minutes

Bristol town Supervisor Joan Peterson made an unsuccessful bid for more information in meeting minutes at the Town Board’s meeting Monday night.

Peterson’s suggestion that more information be included in meeting minutes came as the Town Board was considering approving the last meeting’s minutes. She had tried to have a point added to the minutes prior to the meeting.

Bristol’s practice is to have minutes reflect just the action taken, who voted what way and any amendments to the original action. That minimalist approach is used to not put staff in the position of trying to summarize what might be lengthy deliberations in a sentence or two, explained town Chairman Colleen Fisch.

Supervisor John McCabe also pointed out the board has laid out a procedure for detailed notes for individual items in minutes when announced ahead of time.

Peterson said she understood the arguments for the minimalistic minutes, but she still would prefer more elaboration.

“I would error on the side of providing the people of the town with more information,” Peterson said.

The minutes from the last meeting were accepted by unanimous vote.


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