Salem open house and public hearing on comprehensive plan is tonight

An  Open House and Public Hearing on the town’s comprehensive plan will be held by the Salem Town Board today at the Salem Town Hall, 9814 Antioch Road (Highway 83), Salem. The open house will be held from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by a public hearing before the Town Board at 7 p.m.

The open house will provide an opportunity for the public to review maps and other information and informally ask questions about the plan prior to the public hearing.

A meeting of the Town Planning and Zoning Commission will convene following the public hearing, at which time the Planning and Zoning Commission will consider recommending that the Town Board adopt the Town of Salem Comprehensive Plan: 2035.

Adoption of the plan follows several years of work by the town, in cooperation with Kenosha County, UW-Extension, and SEWRPC. The plan addresses the nine elements and includes a series of maps, goals, objectives, policies, and programs to guide development to the year 2035, in accordance with the requirements of Section 66.1001 of the Wisconsin Statutes.

The Town Board will consider enacting an ordinance to formally adopt the plan at a Town Board meeting scheduled for March 8.

Copies of the Town of Salem Comprehensive Plan are available for review at the Town Hall during the hours of 8 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Copies are also available at the Salem Community Library, or on the town website.


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