Legislators meet with Youth in Governance participants

Front row: Patricia Gonzales, Rebecca Stoebe, Alice Wei, Gisel Romero, Stephanie Fuerte, Rep. Samantha Kerkman. Back row: Jared Ottmann, Sen. Bob Wirch, Jesse Wilson, Neelpret Kaur, Olivia Taber, David Cantwell. /Photo submitted by Samantha Kerkman

State Rep. Samantha Kerkman shared the following info:

State Rep. Samantha Kerkman (R-Randall) and state Sen. Bob Wirch (D-Pleasant Prairie) spoke to the Kenosha County Youth in Governance delegation on Feb. 3. The two elected officials discussed their respective roles in the Wisconsin Legislature, how the legislative process works and answered questions asked by participants on a number of issues and proposals.

“It’s great to see this kind of interest in government among our young people,” said Kerkman. “I really enjoyed meeting with these students and hope that at least a few of them will consider pursuing careers in public service one day.”

Established in 2002, the Youth in Governance program is part of the Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development. The focus of the program is the collaboration of youth and adults in positions of authority in making decisions concerning the well-being of organizations, the community, and democratic society as a whole. The program encourages youth involvement in community service and civic involvement while providing them with the opportunity to learn more about how to serve their communities as informed and active citizens and leaders.


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