Students in Alyson Davis’ fifth grade class at Salem School have found a fun way to help earthquake victims in Haiti and get their whole school — and perhaps the community beyond — involved.
All this week, Davis’s class is leading a penny challenge to benefit those in need in Haiti.
“My students and I were discussing the earthquake and tragedy in Haiti,” Davis explained. ” The students were interested in finding a way they could help. My father works for the United Way and suggested we do something to donate for the Red Cross. I suggested to the students a penny challenge. The children then came up with the name ‘Give a penny, Save a life.'”
Everyone in the building is being encouraged to participate. Each grade level has a bucket and there is one for staff as well. Between 8:10 and 8:45 a.m. Davis’ class stands in the hallway with all of the buckets. People put pennies in their own buckets that count towards positive points. They also put silver and bills into their opponents buckets, that will count negatively towards their penny total.
As of Wednesday afternoon, over $700 had already been collected.
“My students have been very helpful in this process,” Davis said. “They have taken it upon themselves to create posters, encourage friends to donate and have counted the money each day on their own. I am incredibly proud of the dedication my students have to helping those in need. I truly hope this is a lesson they will take with them and keep in their hearts forever!”
“Give a Penny, Save a Life,” continues through Friday. The class is set to hand over what they’ve collected to the Red Cross on Monday.
Donations can be made at the school office in an envelope with Davis name and “Red Cross donation” written on it. Donations from the community will be accepted until Friday noon.