Paddock Lake raises lease payment for The Sharing Center

The Sharing Center rents this former medical office on 236th Avenue from the Paddock Lake village government.

The Sharing Center, the primary relief agency for Western Kenosha County, will be remaining in a building on 236th Avenue in Paddock Lake that is owned by the village, but paying a little more for the privilege.

The Village Board on Wednesday night unanimously approved increasing the agency’s rent from $900 per month to $1,100 per month.

In the past, the village has provided lawn maintenance and snow plowing for the building — a former medical office — as well.  Lawn maintenance will still be included in the new lease, but not snow plowing.

Before the vote, audience member Tom Rielly urged the board to not raise the rent given the good work that The Sharing Center does for area people in need.

“I don’t think this is the time for this particular entity to have that added cost,” Rielly said.

But Trustee Terry Burns, who heads the village’s Building and Grounds Committee, defended the  new lease. he estimated that if the building were rented at its market value it would bring about $3,000 per month in rent.

“They are getting an exceptional deal even at $1,100,” Burns said. “Our obligation on that building far exceeds any revenue we get from it.”

The village has a mortgage on the building for which that payment is “about double” the rent being paid, President Marlene Goodson said. Increasing the payment is helping taxpayers in the village, she argued.

Goodson also suggested other West of the I municipalities help The Sharing Center meet its expenses.



  1. Tom Reilly says:

    I’m sure if Marlene were to poll the taxpayers of Paddock Lake, they would not increase the rental for the sharing center. I think her statement about “helping” the taxpayers of Paddock Lake is a little weak. And if they can get $3,000.00 for the building, in these times, then do it!

    Tom Reilly

  2. Terry Burns, Village Trustee says:


    Thank you for your comment, I agree that The Sharing Center is an great asset to the Westosha Area. As I stated last night, according to records provided by Liz Payton, the Executive Director for the Sharing Center roughly 10% of their current customer base are Paddock Lake residents. In other words of 1949 Families they currently service, 198 reside in Paddock Lake.

    Also noted last night, is the Village does carry a note on this property. This note consists of the building and frontage as well as 4 acres of land situated behind the building. The Sharing Centers’ Lease currently utilizes 80% of this parcel. They however are being charged only 58% of the Villages obligation on that 80%. Which leaves the remaining 22% being subsidized through our tax base – or in other words you, me, the 198 families serviced through the Center, and the remainder of the Village residents. As a Village Trustee my obligation to our residents is to make sure that tax based dollars are spend in the most cost effective manner.
    I hope this clarifies my position better for you. If you have any concerns on this or any other Village issues please do not hesitate to contact me through Village Hall.

    P.S. During negotiations it was suggested to Liz to construct a letter to the other Municipalities requesting assistance. You may want to follow up with her whether she has performed that task.

    Terry Burns
    Village Trustee
    Chairman, Building & Grounds

  3. JMK says:

    I can’t believe the Paddock Village board voted to raise the rent on the Sharing Center. This is an organization of mostly volunteers looking out for people who need help. Thanks for all the numbers Terry, but no matter how you spin it, the bottom line is you are hurting people who are already hurting. This is not being financially responsible, it’s heartless. I doubt Liz Payton has time go to other communities for help with the rent. However, if she does in fact do that maybe she should also shop around and find a more compassionate landlord. I don’t know how you can sleep at night, but you’re probably not going to bed hungry.

  4. Terry Burns, Village Trustee says:

    I would more than happy to sit down with you and show you that there is no “spin” on my numbers. Fact is the Village of Paddock Lake assists The Sharing Center $790.00 PER MONTH in discounted rent payments. The question to ask yourself is, What do the other communities do to assist The Sharing Center? The answer is of course, if the Executibve Director never solicitates them for money, they are doing absolutely nothing. You can contact me through Village Hall if you wish to take me up on my offer.

    Terry Burns
    Village Trustee
    Chairman, Building & Grounds

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