Silver Lake needs your live Christmas tree for its annual Twelfth Night celebration bonfire on Wednesday, Jan. 6 at 7 p.m.
“Please don’t just toss out your live Christmas trees and wreaths for the trash pick-up when the holidays are over,’ said Trustee Ann Augustin. “Rather, bring them to the marked, open area just south of our fire department.”
The village has hosted a Twelfth Night or Little Christmas since 1996.
Members of the Silver Lake Fire Department will light the bonfire and oversee the safety of the event.
Immediately following, the Silver Lake Fie & Rescue Auxiliary will offer hot cocoa and cookies to all who join in the . Home-baked cookies and brownies will be donated by members of the Parks Committee/commission.
Trees and wreaths may be dropped off anytime including the day of the event.
“The village is begging all who erect live trees to please donate them in order to have a fire as big, or bigger, than last year,” Augustin said.