Paddock Lake won’t do memo of understanding on Central HS entrance project

This is a draft design for a roundabout prepared for Central by one of the engineers on its construction project.

This is a draft design for a roundabout prepared for Central by one of the engineers on its construction project.

The Paddock Lake Village Board will not sign a memorandum of understanding regarding road improvements related to Central High School’s new exit/entrance project.

The decision not to sign any memo regarding the work was affirmed with a unanimous vote at Wednesday night’s Village Board meeting. Trustee Chris Bucko was not present.

The vote followed a nearly one-hour long closed session.

Village President Marlene Goodson said the action was taken to ensure the village did not end up footing the bill for improvements the state is requiring be done at Highway 50-83/75 intersection if a T-intersection is built at the school’s new access to Highway 83 south of Highway 50.

If the school instead builds a roundabout intersection at the access, it would not be responsible for the more expensive Highway 50-83/75 improvements.

A memorandum of understanding between the state, the school and the village was drafted. That agreement would have allowed the school to defer the Highway 50-83/75 improvements until 2013.

But village officials say communications with the school suggested that village should not risk becoming responsible for paying for the improvements if the school did not.



  1. chris skrzynecki says:

    Marlene Goodson is misinformed. The state is NOT requiring improvement at the 50/83/75 intersection IF the school builds a “T” intersection. The state said if the school increases student population to 1400 before sept 2013 and continues to insist that ALL student use the south entance, that the increase traffic “THRU” the 50/83/75 intersection will require additional turn lanes. Those turn lanes are the improvements. With declining enrollment projections and the option to “SPLIT” the traffic to “BOTH” entrances if the enrollment suddenly spikes, there is virtialy no chance that the traffic “THRU” 50/83/75 will ever increase to the levels that the state says will trigger the improvment requirements.

    The so called ” Communications” with the school obviously did not state these facts.

    I also take note with the reporting. The writer of this story said ” The agreement would have allowed the school to defer the Highway 50/83/75 improvements until 2013.” The word “Defer” insinuates that the school will still have to pay for the improvements at a later date regardless. This is not true. The state has said that after Sept. 2013 WisDOT will pay for all future improvement to the intersection. Chris Skrzynecki

  2. Christine Gustafson says:

    I wonder, what number of vehicles would be need based upon the Peak Hour or Peak Five Minute Traffic Volume to “warrant” the lengthening ANY turn lanes for a State of Wisconsin highway 2 x 4 lane intersection?

    Had the four developers in the west end of the Village of Paddock Lake which were to connect to the two the deep high-capacity wells to the south of of CTH “F” been built, wouldn’t the residents of those new homes have
    sufficient “warrant” for the improvements anyways?

    If so, then who would have had to pay for the turn lane improvements, the developers, the Village of Paddock Lake, the State?

    Certainly not Central High School, correct?

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