Chicago Bear Roberto Garza visits Bristol School

Chicago Bear offensive lineman Roberto Garza signs some Bears items while chatting with student David Hunt at Bristol School Tuesday. Hunt was a winner in the NFL's "Bring a Player to School" contest. /Photo by Lisa Weiner

Chicago Bear offensive lineman Roberto Garza signs some Bears items while chatting with student David Hunt at Bristol School Tuesday. Hunt was a winner in the NFL's "Bring a Player to School" contest. /Photo by Lisa Weiner

Bristol School student David Hunt introduced a new friend to his school Tuesday — Chicago Bear offensive lineman Roberto Garza.

David was selected as a winner in the NFL’s Bring a Player to School contest. David was entered in the contest by his father, said Bristol district administrator Gale Ryczek.

Chicago Bear Roberto Garza speaks at an assembly at Bristol School Tuesday.

Chicago Bear Roberto Garza speaks at an assembly at Bristol School Tuesday. /Photo by Lisa Weiner

Garza talked to virtually the whole student body and staff at an assembly, said Principal Jeff Terry.

Then Garza attended a gym class with Hunt and his classmates. Garza offered students tips on weight training and fitness and participated in some football themed activities as well. He also autographed a t-shirt for each of the gym class students.

Garza signed some memorabilia for the school that can be used for future fundraising for the school. He also presented a $2,000 donation to school officials to be used for physical education equipment. That money might go toward the purchase of heart monitors, said Ron Rachwal, physical education teacher.

Here are some more photos from the afternoon, provided by Lisa Weiner, director of library, media and technology services at the school:

The student body braved chilly, snowy weather to welcome Chicago Bear Roberto Garza to Bristol School. /Lisa Weiner photo

The student body braved chilly, snowy weather to welcome Chicago Bear Roberto Garza to Bristol School. /Photo by Lisa Weiner

Chicago Bear Roberto Garza offered some wieght-training tips to students in a gym class at Bristol School during a visit on Tuesday. /Lisa Weiner photo

Chicago Bear Roberto Garza offered some wieght-training tips to students in a gym class at Bristol School during a visit on Tuesday. /Photo by Lisa Weiner

The school website says there will be more of these photos posted there before the weekend


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