Paddock Lake t-shirt design contest gets a little richer

Photo by Adrian Gtz via stock.xchng

Photo by Adrian Gtz via stock.xchng

Last week, the Paddock Lake Village Board approved the concept of a contest to set the design of  a 25th anniversary village t-shirt. Profits from the shirts would help defray the cost of the planned 50th anniversary celebration village officials would like to host next summer.

Trustee Karen Harris said she had secured a $25 gift card for Drifters that could be used as a prize in the contest.  But now she says the pot has gotten a bit richer.

Joe and Ann Riesselmann, village residents and local business owners (Joe also is a village trustee), will donate a $100 cash prize to be given to the winning entry, Harris reported.

“I was so excited,” Harris said in an email message about the donation. “Hopefully we will get a lot of people to participate.”

Check back at as more details become available on how the contest will work. Harris has promised to keep us informed.


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