A tax levy of $3,073,800 — representing an increase over last year of 1.94 percent — was passed comfortably by Salem electors Tuesday night.
The levy passed by an 80 to 30 vote. All Town Board members present voted for the levy’s passage. Supervisor Patrick O’Connell was absent.
Wisconsin law provides for town tax levies to be approved by the electors of the town.
The was some confusion about how many people in the room were eligible to vote after an initial motion on approving the highway department expenditure in the 2010. Clerk Cindi Ernest had announced that 109 people had signed in to vote, but the yes and no total votes were 111.
Ernest recounted the registrations and said there were 110. Despite the discrepancy, a show of hands by electors ruled in favor of accepting the slightly faulty vote.
For the levy vote, there were exactly 110 votes total, after a change was instituted in the voting procedure.
Before the votes of the electors there was a lengthy public comment period, dominated overwhelmingly by resident Jim Valentine, husband of town Chairman Linda Valentine. Jim Valentine criticized various aspects of the published budget document, mostly focusing on a lack of explanation and detail on several items. He contended such omission of specifics might mean the budget violated state law by levying money without a specific purpose.
“I’m concerned that the town administration and the Town Board do not have the discipline to follow this budget,” Jim Valentine said near the end of his 40 minutes worth of comments and questions.
But the budget also had its supporters.
“This is the most complete, precise budget we have ever had in this town,” said town employee Crysti Neumann.
The budget that is supported by the levy will be approved by the Town Board at a future meeting.