Wilmot eyes possible graduation day change for 2011

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The Wilmot School Board is looking into feedback from parents and students about changing the graduation day to Saturdays rather than Sundays for the 2011 graduating class.

District Administrator William Heitman was looking into the best day of the week to accommodate families, travel time and parties.

“We also are thinking that it might be nice to have a separate day so we don’t conflict with Central and Badger’s graduation days,” he said.

School Board President Nadine Slowinski cautioned against placing anything on the agenda without adequate feedback from the residents.

“We tried discussing this several years ago and the whole meeting room was packed,” she said. “We wondered what we had done wrong and we were discussing it early in the year. Parents told us that photos, announcements and cakes were often ordered very early and any changes would need to be made well in advance.”

Principal Chris Trottier plans to put a survey monkey on the school’s website to gauge feedback prior to moving forward about changing the dates.

The 2010 graduation ceremony will be held Sunday June 6.


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