New Community Library Representative to Wilmot School Board

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Note: This post originally contained an identification error for the library board rep which has been corrected. – DH

While Wisconsin regulations require a school representative from the local library board to alternate between Westosha Central and Wilmot High schools every three years, Wilmot School Board members can’t recall the last time they had one.

Newly appointed Community Library Representative Linda Smith got an earful from Barbara Wetherbee about the recent demotion of former Community Library Director Mary Ellen Close at her first school board meeting Tuesday night.

“I am very disappointed in the Library Board in the way they handled Mary Ellen Close and I think they should have told the taxpayers why they were releasing her,” Wetherbee said. “If age was a problem, 62 is not that old and it makes you wonder why she was being let go. There was no explanation-we don’t know if there was wrongdoing or anything after she was there for so many years. I’m not speaking for or against her, but just to tell you that I am disappointed.”

Smith stated that any information on Close was confidential and was voted on in closed session.

As a newcomer to the Library Board and as a new representative to the School Board, Smith agreed to meet with the school librarian to find out if there is any duplication of services and what sort of needs the school might have.


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