Silver Lake village Trustee Merlene Engstrom has had a change of heart regarding the Community Library Board. She will continue to be one of the village’s two representatives on the board.
She will be joined by former village President Mike Faber, village President Roger Johnson announced at Wednesday’s Village Board meeting.
But Wednesday Engstrom said continued turmoil involving the board had changed her mind.
The library, which is a joint venture between Silver Lake, Paddock lake, Twin Lakes, Salem and Randall, has been the subject of a couple of controversies of late. The makeup of the governing board has been called into question as not complying with state laws requiring apportionment by population of the member communities. Instead of population, each municipalty now has two members on the board — a position the municipalities want to continue.
Also, longtime library director Mary Ellen Close was demoted to the circulation desk and replaced by LeeAnn Briese, a move some board members felt was uncalled for. As a result of this controversy, Silver Lake’s other representative — Lois Sokolski — resigned.
Given the controversy, Engstrom said she felt her familiarty with the issues might be useful.
Johnson said he was OK with reinstating Engstrom as long as she was committed to the role.
“There’s too much going on here to not be represented,” Johnson said.
When asked after the meeting whether Faber had approached him about the position or he had approached Faber, Johnson said it was “a little of both.”
The vote to appoint Faber and Engstrom passed 4 to 0 with Engstrom and Gerber abstaining and Trustee Richard Maron absent to attend an out-of-town fire inspectors workshop.