Riverview approves 21 percent increase in tax levy

A tax levy increase of about 21 percent was approved by the electors and school board of the Riverview School District Monday night.

Like most other Western Kenosha County school districts this fall, that steep increase in the amount of district revenue to come from local property taxes was chiefly due to less state aid than last year and less even than what was estimated earlier this budget season.

Last year’s tax levy was $2.214 million. This year’s was $2.687 million.

The levy passed the electorate by a vote of 19 to 1 at the district’s annual meeting. The single vote against was cast by board member Chris Willkomm.

District administrator Todd LeRoy pointed out that the district’s expenditures were similar, but that the state aid decrease prompted the levy increase. In addition, assessed valuation in the district decreased about 4 percent.

When the School Board certified the levy during its regular board meeting, which followed the annual meeting, Willkomm again voted against the levy’s passage.

Speaking after the meeting, Willkomm said he voted against the levy because he was not satisfied LeRoy put sufficient effort into finding additional revenue sources for the district.

LeRoy has resigned his position with the district as of  Nov. 13.


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