The district’s new position on not allowing Halloween parties during the school day without academic justification will remain in place after the issue received a hearing before the School Board Monday night.
The policy on parties had previously been approved, but appeared as an agenda item on Monday’s meeting agenda.
Audience members spoke on both sides of the issue.
Debbie Colletti, speaking in support of the Halloween parties and parade that had been a tradition at the school, said:
“To me, by canceling the Halloween parade, you’re shutting the community out. They came because it was a tradition.”
Speaking in support of the policy of maximizing instruction time was Shannon Raymond:
“I’d rather have the teachers accountable for the time spent in classrooms … It doesn’t matter if my kid had a Halloween party if they can’t do basic math.”
Board President James Walker said the only action that would have been in order would have been to rescind the policy. No motion was made to do so and the policy remains in place.
“I don’t think the children will be scarred for life because they didn’t have a Halloween party,” said board member Chris Willkomm.
So, does this mean that there will be no celebrations in the teachers’ lounge on school days or during work hours?