Bristol residents will be able to get an update on the effort to incorporate part of the town as a village at a meeting Thursday evening.
The town’s attorney will give an update on the process so far, explain the upcoming referendum and take questions, said Amy Klemko, town clerk.
The meeting will begin at 7 p.m., at Town Hall.
Town officials have been driving an effort to incorporate part of the town as a village. Under state statutes, a village government has more control over its own destiny. For example, a village can annex territory from adjacent towns, but cannot be annexed involuntarily by other municipalities.
Through the process, the incorporation area has been narrowed from the whole town, to about half of the town, to approximately the northwest quarter of the town as the state Department of Administration sought a more unified community for the move.
The Department of Administration approved Bristol’s incorporation petition on Sept. 17. Residents of the area to be incorporated will be able to vote Nov. 3 on whether to proceed with the incorporation.