Master Gardener volunteers are specially educated volunteers, who share their knowledge and passion for gardening and the natural world with others
Find out more about the UW-Extension Master Gardener Program and if being a Master Gardener Volunteer is right for you. Orientation sessions on the Master Gardener Volunteer Program will be held Nov. 9, at the Kenosha County Center, at Highways 45 and 50, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and on Nov. 11, at the Racine County Office Building in Ives Grove, on Hwy 20 just west of I-94.
In 2010, Master Gardener General Training will be held every Tuesday evening from 5:30 to 8:30 pm from Feb. 2 through April 27. Half of the classes will be taught in Bristol, at the Kenosha County Center. The other half of the classes will be taught in Ives Grove at the Racine County Office Building. The course is taught by University of Wisconsin Extension horticulture educators.
In addition to attending one of the orientation sessions, a signed commitment to 24-hours of volunteer work and a criminal background check are required prior to beginning the course. Volunteer hours must be on approved Master Gardener projects and completed by Oct. 1. The course fee is $160, which covers the costs of all materials needed for the class. Class is limited to 40 participants.
Contact Barb Larson, Kenosha County-UW Extension at 262-857-1945 or for application materials or additional information.
UW Extension provides equal opportunity for employment and programming, including Title IX & ADA requirements. To insure equal access, please make requests for reasonable accommodations as soon as possible prior to the scheduled program.