Trevor-Wilmot residents to meet to assist referendum passage

This plan from Bray Architects shows the footprint of the propsoed addition to Trevor School and where classes would be located. (Click image for larger view)

This plan from Bray Architects shows the footprint of the proposed addition to Trevor School and where classes would be located. (Click image for larger view)

Residents of the Trevor-Wilmot Consolidated School District who favor passage of the Nov. 3 building referendum are invited to a meeting Thursday, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m., at the Western Kenosha County Historical Society building, 5905 114th St., Trevor,  to discuss assisting passage of the referendum

The meeting will be structured and focused on action, organizers say. It is scheduled to end by 8:30 p.m.

The referendum, if successful. would authorize a $11.380 million addition  to Trevor School. If approved by the voters, the project would effectively allow the district to discontinue use of the Wilmot Primary Center building and house all district students at the Trevor building. Enough rooms and common area capacity would be added to handle the Wilmot students plus add a new media center/library.


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