Last month Central High School district administrator Scott Pierce introduced the possibility of the district applying for a one-year energy exemption that would allow the school to increase its tax levy by almost $500,000. The idea suggested at the time, but not concretely connected, would be the additional money might plug the funding hole created by the expense of building a state required roundabout intersection at the school’s new exit/entrance on Highway 83
Now the district appears to be more serious about considering the option, with the district issuing a press release Monday saying the board will consider applying for the exemption. That consideration will happen at the district’s annual meeting, Oct. 20, since the grant must be applied for by Nov. 1.
To get the exemption, the district must show it has spent money to increase energy efficiency and then show what those savings have been.
As part of the improvements funded by the January 2009 referendum, climate controls throughout the building were improved to provide more comfort and increasd efficiency. The improvements cost $477,000.
Said Pierce in the release:
The cost savings that Trane identified for the district are significant. In the first year alone, according to Trane’s calculations, Central could realize over $137,000 in reduced energy costs.
Should the board decide to pass this resolution and levy this additional expenditure, it would be my recommendation that those additional finds be targeted to go back into the project that provided us these new controls: the building project.”