Central High School homecoming parade

The Central High School Band was one of the first units in the parade.

The Central High School Band was one of the first units in the parade.

Homecoming opponent Waterford's very name was used against them in this poster.

Homecoming opponent Waterford's very name was used against them in this poster on the cheerleader float.

The seniors took this colorful bus to Woodstock to fit with the theme of music through the decades.

The seniors took this colorful bus to Woodstock to fit with the theme of music through the decades.

Cross country had some spirited posters on their entry.

Cross country had some spirited posters on their entry.

The Salem Booster Club made the walk around Paddock Lake too.

The Salem Booster Club made the walk around Paddock Lake too.

Can you unlock the meaning of this sign?

Can you unlock the meaning of this sign?

Traffic got a little backed up as the parade crossed Highway 50 at 248th Ave to return to school. Next year, the parade should be able to cross right over to the new stadium.

Traffic got a little backed up as the parade crossed Highway 50 at 248th Ave to return to school. Next year, the parade should be able to cross right over to the new stadium.

Here is some video from the game (thanks to Sandy Szwedo):

Waterford prevailed 27 to 13.


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