Scouts seek return of log splitter

Photo by Robert Aichinger via stock.xchng

Photo by Robert Aichinger via stock.xchng

Cub Scout Pack 343 in Twin Lakes had hit on a great fundraiser. They were selling firewood cut from trees that would have ended up in landfills.

Good for the Pack and even good for the environment, right?

After they got started, the Pack connected with the power company that said they could supply otherwise unwanted trees. The Pack found new markets, like selling firewood at the annual music festival Country Thunder. Things were going so well, the Pack made an investment in their fundraising future. They bought a log splitter for $1,300 instead of renting one, as they did at first.

“It’s been a phenomenal fundraiser,” said Cubmaster Rhett Suhre, “until now.”

What happened now is someone stole the Pack’s log splitter.

Suhre said the theft happened some time Wednesday night. The log splitter was locked to a tree in Suhre’s front yard. The thieves used something to cut through the lock to take the splitter.

“Whoever stole it probably had no idea know that it belonged to the Cub Scouts,” Suhre said. Instead, they likely thought it was his, which is bad enough.

But by getting the word out that the splitter belonged to a Cub Scout Pack, Suhre said he is hoping the thieves might be embarrassed or guilted into returning the equipment somehow.

In the meantime, the Pack is not going to abandon selling firewood, even though they are out the $1,300. The Pack intends to keep the commitments  they had made for the money they expected to raise, like paying for Scouts dues and camp fees, providing food for holiday dinners for the needy and helping renovate the basement of the American Legion Post building in town.

Note: The theft has been reported to the Twin Lakes Police Department. If you have information about this incident, you can contact the police at: 877-9056.


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