This section of Main Street in Twin Lakes will be getting a facelift thanks to a $1 million federal grant.
The $1 million, largely grant-funded project that will remake Main Street in Twin Lakes from Lake Street to Burden Street took a couple more steps forward this week.
- The Village Board approved spending about $65,500 on design work for the project. Administrator David Cox pointed out that while grants would often be available for design work in this case because the bulk of the project is being funded by a federal grant the design work is not eligible for a grant. “We’re going to spend $65,00 to get $1 million,” Trustee Kevin Fitzgerald said in summing up the situation. The work, to be performed by Baxter and Woodman, relates to preparing the project for federal funding approval and state contract letting. A representative of Baxter and Woodman told the Village Board Monday that the federal involvement and timeline means the firm will be performing 12 to 18 months of typical work in three to four months.
- Baxter and Woodman also was awarded a contract for $16,500 to install monitoring wells and complete other DNR requested actions relating to environmental evaluation of a property in the tax incremental financing district. The subject property, roughly where the Twin Lakes Area Chamber and Business Association office is located, is owned by the village, but is proposed for commercial development by Steven Mills.
- Late this week, the village added a meeting to its October calendar described as a public information meeting regarding the Main Street Project. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Oct. 5 and will be followed by the regular committee of the whole meeting. Note: We’ll share more info on this meeting as it becomes available.