Randall supervisors looking into leaf collection plan

Photo by vendenis via morgeFile.com

Photo by vendenis via morgeFile.com

Three Randall town supervisors are organizing a system to collect leaves this fall.

Supervisor Bob Gehring, a farmer, had volunteered to spread leaves from town residents on his fields. While many Randall residents live in a rural setting and can dispose of leaves on their property, others in denser neighborhoods might find it useful to have collection or be able to take their leaf debris somewhere, the Town Board discussed earlier this month.

Gehring originally thought he could park a spreader at Town Hall and people with leaves could dump them there, but later decided that could be messy if the day was windy.

Instead  Gehring said Thursday night he thinks it would be better for residents to bring their leaves to his farm. He could then use spreaders to distribute them on fields.

It will be important for the leaves to be free of any foreign material to avoid injury to an operator or damage to his equipment, Gehring said. Only leaves, grass and twigs will be acceptable.

No date has been set for the collection and other details also need to be worked out. Supervisors Rose Nolan and Mark Halvey are helping Gerhing with organizing the service.


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