Central cross country results, photos

The start of the boys varsity race at the Franklin Invite.

The start of the boys varsity race at the Franklin Invite.

Note: Jim Gorsline shared the following report and photos:

Central High School cross country competed at the Franklin Invite on Sept. 18. The boys varsity finished fourth out of eight teams.

For the varsity boys, medal winners were awarded to the top 15 out of 66 runners. Top finishers for Central were:

  • 5th place, Bradley Gorsline 17:40.60.
  • 9th place, Eric Carlson 17:47.40.

For varsity girls, medal winners were awarded to the top 15 out of 58 runners. Top finisher for Central was:

  • 5th place, Hannah Andrekus 15:59.80.

For JV boys, Central’s top runner Jay Gilliland finished first out of 50 with a time of 19:05.30.

Here are some more photos:

Bradley Gorsline, 5th, and Eric Carlson, ninth were Central's top varisty boys finishers./Jim Gorsline photo

Bradley Gorsline, 5th, and Eric Carlson, 9th, were Central's top varisty boys finishers./Jim Gorsline photo

Hannah Andrekus, at fifth, was the top girls finisher for Central.

Hannah Andrekus, at fifth, was the top girls finisher for Central./Jim Gorsline photo

Jay Gilliland finished first among all JV boys at the meet.

Jay Gilliland finished first among all JV boys at the meet./Jim Gorsline photo


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