Pringle to host service, muskrat and photography events this weekend

Pringle Nature Center, 9800 160th Ave., Bristol, will be hosting three events this weekend.

Garlic mustard-wikicom-sannse-gnuA Day of Service with Chicago Wilderness on Saturday, Sept. 26 from  9 a.m. to noon. The Chicago Wilderness Corporate Council will hold a Day of Service on National Public Lands Day to encourage thousands of volunteers to participate in restoration workdays throughout the region. Come to the Pringle site and help get rid of invasive plants. Free. Call 262-857-8008 for more information.

muskrat-wikicom-pd-SQUAREA Saturday Night Campfire Talk on beavers and muskrats will take place on Saturday, Sept. 26 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.  Most people consider beavers and muskrats to be nuisances. Come learn about how these creatures are actually beneficial to the environment and spend some time by the pond looking for the center’s resident muskrat. Friends are free, general public $2. Call 262-857-8008 for more information.

Photo by somadjinn via

Photo by somadjinn via

A Leave No Child Inside Autumn Photographic Scavenger Hunt will take place on Sunday, Sept. 27 from 10 a.m. to 3: p.m. You’re invited to bring your camera and your imagination for nature photography – scavenging style! Fun outdoor photography activities that can be enjoyed by every age and skill level are provided. Free. Call 262-857-8008 for more information.


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