Lightning to host golf outing Oct. 3

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photo by ppdigital via

Wisconsin Lightning Youth Athletics will host its annual golf outing on Saturday, Oct. 3 at Twin Lakes Country Club, 1230 Legion Drive, Twin Lakes.

The event will raise money for the Wisconsin Lightning Softball and the Wisconsin Lightning Basketball organizations

lightning-softball-logoLighting Youth Athletics develops girls’ softball and basketball skills, but also work on skills such as character, morals and physical and mental discipline. Girls involved with Lightning learn lifelong core values of teamwork, sportsmanship, leadership, personal discipline, time management, honesty and respect.

Rates are: $75 per golfer early bird rate (by Sept. 12); $85 per golfer late entry (by Sept. 25).

The event package includes:

  • Lunch in the pavilion.
  • NY Strip dinner in the pavilion.
  • Hospitality bag.
  • Green fees and power cart.
  • Contests and prizes.
  • Awards for best play.
  • $10,000 hole in one prize.
  • New car for hole in one prize.

Golf games include:

  • Hole in one.
  • Putting contest.
  • Longest drive.
  • Closest to pin.
  • Cash Skins Game ($20/foursome).
  • Chopper Drop ($10/ball).

Registration and lunch will begin at  noon, with a shotgun start at 1:30pm. Format will be four-person scramble; each player plays best shot for tee to green.

Dinner with cocktails and prizes will begin at 7 p.m. Marketing and hole sponsorships are also available.

For more information, please see the website or call 262-206-5896.


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