Fire reported east of Paddock Lake

Photo by kconnors via

Photo by kconnors via

At about 5:15 p.m.: Salem Fire/Rescue units are responding to a fire east of Paddock Lake.

UPDATE 5:26 p.m.: Fire units on the scene say the fire appears to be in a field east of the village waste water treatment plant. They are looking for a way to access the plant grounds to get to the fire.

UPDATE 5:28 p.m.: Fire units call off search for a village employee to unlock the grounds since they have found a route around.

UPDATE 5:37 p.m.: ATV vehicle being brought to scene.

UPDATE 5:46 p.m.: Fire attributed to some burning hay bales at back of a farm field. Fire under control.

UPDATE 7:11 p.m.: All Salem Fire/Rescue units clear of the scene.

UPDATE 9:12 p.m.: After a report of flames visible again at the site, a representative of Salem Fire/Rescue calls an engine back to the scene to put out some small hots spots.

UPDATE 9:41 p.m.: All units returning to quarters.

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