Education Building awards announced

The Kenosha County Fair Education Building Best of the Best for 2009.

The Kenosha County Fair Education Building Best of the Best for 2009.

While there are hundreds of projects included in the Education Building exhibit at the Kenosha County Fair, a few are selected each year for special recognition. Those winners gathered Sunday at the Education building in recognition of their awards.

Here are the education Building’s Best of the Best for 2009:

  • Pre-kindergarten: Tyee Simek, Riverview School, and Cantin Schiler, Westosha.
  • Kindergarten: Josh Donnellan, Wheatland Center School, and Leonardo Cordova, Paris School.
  • First and second grades: Michael Sandman, Wilmot Primary Center, and Anthony Madrigrano, Providence School.
  • Third and fourth grades: Alexia Inthasorot, Riverview School, and Anri Santa Maria, Trevor School.
  • Fifth and sixth grades: Kiel Peyron, Brighton School, and Jim Putz, Providence School.
  • Seventh and eighth grades: Drew Chinn, Trevor School, and Cheyanne Schannon, Lakewood School.
  • Special ed/head start:  Lily Lentz, Wheatland Center School, and Marcus Hillock, Wheatland Center School.

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