Twin Lakes police Sgt. Tim Shuda asks youngster Shane Davis which piece of equipment Shane thinks he uses the most, while Chuck Davis and Brenda Bischel look on. The right answer wasn't any of the impressive firearms on the table or even Shuda's handgun but his pen and his radio.
Many Twin Lakes area residents took the opportunity to interact with their local emergency services providers by attending the National Night Out event Tuesday evening at St. John the Evangelist Church, Twin Lakes.
Those in attendance were able to get up close with police and firefighting equipment and perhaps more importantly talk to police officers in a friendly atmosphere.
One of the more dramatic demonstrations of the night was how a TAZER works. In this video, police Chief Dale Racer explains how the device works and Glenn Tietz Jr. volunteers to take the hit:
Here are some more photos from the event:

Randall Firefighters John Love and David Wyakowenko assist a girl exiting the Walworth County Firefighters Association "Survive Alive Fire Safety Smoke House and Sprinkler Trainer." This was one of the educational exhibits at the National Night Out event Tuesday in Twin Lakes. /Photo by Andrew Strother
Its good to have a day to interact local emergency service providers to society as there is something to look up to for those kids.