Paddock Lake looking at animal control

Photo by Meghan Anderson-Colangelo via stock.xchng

Photo by Meghan Anderson-Colangelo via stock.xchng

Finding a better way to deal with loose pets in the village is being examined by the Paddock Lake Village Board Police and Fire Committee.

“Right now there’s really nothing that allows us to deal with loose dogs and aggressive dogs,” Trustee Chris Bucko, chairman of the committee, said at the last Village Board meeting.

There’s no designated and licensed village employee who deals with animal complaints and employees can opt out of the duty when asked. State guidelines call for people dealing with animal control to be licensed, Bucko said.

Bucko said she would like to look into contracting for the service “instead of paying our employees overtime.”

Trustee Joe Riesselmann suggested that perhaps something could be worked out with nearby municipalities who already have designated animal control officers or contractors.

“It would be nice if we could get something going with Bristol and Salem,” Riesselmann said.

The Police and Fire Committee will continue to research options.


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