Sure the weather has been kind of cool this summer so far.
But not so cool as to elimante mosquitoes.
With that in mind, the county Health Department is urging everyone to take personal protective measures to prevent mosquito bites by following these simple steps:
- Wear protective clothing such as long pants, loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts, and socks. Clothing should be light colored and made of tightly woven materials to keep mosquitoes away from the skin.
- Limit outdoor activity when Culex mosquitoes are most active (dusk until dawn).
- Consider using an insect repellant containing DEET or PICARIDIN (always follow label directions).
- Apply insect repellent to clothing as mosquitoes may bite through thin clothing.
- Adults use insect repellents containing 20-30 percent DEET.
- On children, use insect repellents containing 10 percent or less DEET.
- DO NOT use products containing DEET on infants.
And at home:
- Remove discarded tires that collect water
- Eliminate standing water that collects in boats, clogged rain gutters, plastic wading pools, bird baths, and buckets
- Make sure that doors and windows have tightly fitting screens – repair or replace all screens that have tears or holes
- Aerate ornamental pools
- Use fluorescent lights outdoors, which do not attract mosquitoes
In addition, preventing mosquito bites will prevent West Nile virus infection. West Nile virus is spread to people by the bite of a mosquito infected with the virus. Mosquitoes get infected with WNV by feeding on infected birds and can then transmit the virus to other animals, birds, and humans.
Complete info about West Nile Virus and its impact is available from the county here.
For additional information on West Nile Virus, contact the Kenosha County Division of Health at 262-605-6700, the Wisconsin West Nile Virus hotline at 1-800-433-1610, or visit the Division of Health website.