Clean up begins this week at 613 Cogswell Dr. in Silver Lake.
The front yard at 613 Cogswell Dr. has not been mowed all summer. Neighbor Nathan Eide addressed the village board in June regarding the eyesore. The board attempted to contact the owner with a registered letter. The letter was unclaimed and returned to the village.
The owner of the property is wanted by police and has fled the village. The home is now in foreclosure. The bank sent someone to clean up the property; however, he would not work for the price offered.
The board voted to hire Faber Construction to tidy the property. The cost will be placed on the property tax roll.
In other business, the board heard the first reading of a no parking ordinance on both sides of Prosser Street, located on the south side of the Riverview Grade School building.
School busses have dropped off students on School Street which is also where parents drop off their children. To separate the two, the board looked into having students let out on Prosser. The bus would then turn around by the railroad tracks and exit the area. No parking, standing or stopping would be allowed on Prosser from 7:30-8:30 a.m. when school is in session.
During discussion, Trustee Sue Gerber said she didn’t think there should be any parking at all west of School Street on Prosser. “The cars could cause congestion,†she said, speaking of the student’s safety.
The board will adjust the reading of the ordinance before the second reading. Residents in the affected area will be notified.
After numerous complaints about doggie do in the village, Trustee Chris Willkomm reminded residents of the Pooper Scooper ordinance which carries an $88 fine to owners who do not pick up their dog’s deposits.