Seno fundraiser to present ‘Deadwood Dick”‘

Nelson (as Ned Harris the hero), Tim West (as Blackburn Redburn or the real Deadwood Dick), Alyssa Williamson (as the damsel in distress Lily) act out a scene from “Deadwood Dick, or the Game of Gold."

Nelson (as Ned Harris the hero), Tim West (as Blackburn Redburn or the real Deadwood Dick), Alyssa Williamson (as the damsel in distress Lily) act out a scene from “Deadwood Dick, or the Game of Gold."

Creative Outlets and the Seno Woodland Education Center will present “Deadwood Dick, or the Game of Gold” by Tom Taggart, July 17, 18 and 19, at 7 p.m.

The play is billed as a rootin’ tootin’ melodrama of the Gay ’90s in three acts based on the Dime Novel’s of Edward L. Wheeler. The play centers around the conniving of the central villain, Black’n Red, and the two heroes’ attempts to thwart him. The heroes are Ned Harris and Wild Bill Hickock. Being a melodrama, there must be ladies in distress and Deadwood Dick has two sisters, Rose and Lily Blossom. The blind Lily’s misadventures in the saloon provide some delightful comic shtick a la Mel Brooks and Laurel and Hardy.

The production is Seno’s summer fundraiser. Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for children 12 and under and senior citizens. The play will be preformed outside, and seating is limited to 60 people. Call 262-539-3222 or email for tickets.


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