Progress Days Parade fun for all

Young Entrepreneur Kaiden Moore, age 6, sells Lemonade during parade

Young Entrepreneur Kaiden Moore, age 6, sells Lemonade during parade

Kenosha Pipes and Drums wows the huge crowd

Kenosha Pipes and Drums wows the huge crowd

Two-year-old Aiden Burns races to fill his bag with parade candy

Two-year-old Aiden Burns races to fill his bag with parade candy

Girl Scouts were in the jungle, the mighty jungle

Girl Scout Troop 7030 were in the jungle, the mighty jungle

Alex Romani pulled in cart as part of touching tribute to fellow barrel racer Alivia Manon, who recently died in an auto accident

Alex Romani pulled in cart as part of touching tribute to fellow barrel racer Alivia Manon, who recently died in an auto accident

New retirees enjoy a fishing trip in the parade

New retirees enjoy a fishing trip in the parade

And here’s some video:

Even before the parade kicked off, the Lake Pointe Church band was rockin’:

And here’s what we saw from our viewpoint in the parade. Do you see yourself?


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